Wimoweh Part 2 – Melodies

Near the village, the peaceful village

Welcome to part two of our African extravaganza! Last time we learned where the word Wimoweh comes from and what it means. We also learned about where the song was composed.

Now we’re going to look at how one player – a soloist – can perform the main melodies. Some parts sound slightly better on a 10 hole harmonica, others work fine on a 4 hole. Purple music is for four hole harmonicas. Orange music is for ten hole harmonicas. A number tells you which hole to play. D is draw (breath in). B is blow (breath out). We’re using harmonicas in the key of C major (more…)

Wimoweh Part 1 – Rhythm Parts

In the jungle, the mighty jungle

Welcome to our African extravaganza! Wimoweh comes from the Zulu word Mbube, meaning Lion. The song was composed and first recorded by Solomon Linda in South Africa in 1939. Most of us know it from Walt Disney’s film The Lion King.

Let’s look at how a group of harmonica players can perform the song. In this part, we’ll work on the rhythms. In part 2 we’ll look at the melodies, then in part 3 we’ll work out some extra fun parts to finish the job.

Some parts sound slightly better on a 10 hole harmonica, others work fine on a 4 hole. Purple music is for four hole harmonicas. Orange music is for ten hole harmonicas. A number tells you which hole to play. D is draw (breath in). B is blow (breath out). We’re using harmonicas in the key of C major (more…)

That’s All Folks!

Looney Tunes Outro On 10 Hole Harmonica

Otis has been telling us about a Surf Guitarist he heard busking in the underground walkway under London’s Science Museum. Apparently he was so good, you just wanted to jump in the soup and slide.

Anyway, one detail that caught Otis’s ear was a lick the guitairst added at the end of Secret Agent Man by The Ventures.  It was the familiar outro to Looney Tunes cartoons. He played it as a group of children passed by and it turned heads. (more…)

Blow The Man Down

As I was walking down Paradise Street

Welcome to the Toot Suite where junior harmonica players can have fun learning to play new songs, checking out top harmonica tips and sharing some crazy harmonica facts that will amaze and amuse.

Here’s another tune you may know. It’s a Sea Shanty sung by Sailors and Pirates. It only uses three holes but there is one jump to learn if you want the song to sound right. Take your time. See how clearly you can play each note.

We have chopped the tune up into small chunks to help you. Click the green button to hear each chunk.

Purple music is for four hole harmonicas. Orange music is for ten hole harmonicas. A number tells you which hole to play. D is draw (breath in). B is blow (breath out). Let’s listen to the whole tune first.


Freaky Harmonica Fact (Or Fiction?)

It’s the law to learn harmonica at school in Belgium

Sofie aged 8 years came home from School recently and announced to everyone that she’d found the most fabulously freaky harmonica fact in the whole world.

According to the book 1001 Cool Freaky Facts,  if she was living in Belgium, Sofie told us she would have to learn the harmonica at school, or else she’d be breaking the law! (more…)

Harmonica elephant

Nelly the Elephant packed her trunk

When we organise musical demonstrations in schools, we tell children they just need two things to play the harmonica. One is the ability to breathe in. The other is the ability to breathe out. It’s that simple.

So that’s breathe in. And breathe out. Breathe in. And breathe out. Come on, even an elephant can do it!